Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Darzi's poisoned dart

" Th'adorning thee with so much art
Is but a barb'rous skill;
'Tis like the poisoning of a dart,
Too apt before to kill"

This is what he actually said.

"Most patients love their GP but I hink we need to seperate that fantastic relationship between a patient and a doctor from where most practices now are on average four five six GPs working together under a single roof"

And replace it with what?

His comments are interesting and reflect his lack of qualifications for meddling in primary care.

The personal relationship between a patient and 'their' doctor is the cornerstone of Primary Care.

It cannot be replaced by the conveyor belt style of medicine favoured by superspecialised surgeons in centres of excellence.
If Darzi had any credibility before then he has none now.

But why did the BBC alter his quote?

It was clear as day on the video feed.

The BBC initially altered the quote to

"We need to support that fantastic relationship between a patient and a doctor"

and then changed the inaccurate quote to a paraphrasing, followed by complete removal.

C'mon BBC



NuLabour mouthpiece.

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